Does Marathon NeoHomes have 1 BHK flats and 2 BHK flats at Bhandup?
Yes, Marathon NeoHomes has 1 BHK flats and offers combination flats that serve as a 2 BHK.
Yes, Marathon NeoHomes has 1 BHK flats and offers combination flats that serve as a 2 BHK.
Check our project status to learn about the possession dates of various towers at Marathon NeoHomes
Yes, Marathon NeoHomes has 1 RK (Studio) flats and offers combination flats that serve as a 2 BHK.
The 1 BHK flats at Marathon NeoHomes have two main variants – 1 BHK Smart and 1 BHK
Check our project status to learn about the possession dates of various towers at Marathon NeoHomes
The studio flats at Marathon NeoHomes range from 237 – 403 sq.ft.
Check out our pricing page for details on the price of our 1 BHK flats at Bhandup
The studio flats at Marathon NeoHomes range from 155 – 211 sq.ft.
Check out our pricing page for details on the price of our 1RK (Studio) flats at Bhandup.
t: 76 77 501 501
whatsapp: 76 77 501 501
Sales Office: Ground Floor, Veronica Sai Vihar, Tembipada Rd, Bhandup West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400078
6th and the most epic tower launched of Marathon NeoHomes in Bhandup W, 1000+ homes sold. Enquire Now