Marathon is design-driven company. We think deeply about every user experience right from the big picture of master-planning to the tiniest details in your homes and offices. Our unique design process and philosophy along with our world-class in-house design capabilities allow us to deliver products that we’re proud of and space that you will love.
Marathon is design-driven company. We think deeply about every user experience right from the big picture of master-planning to the tiniest details in your homes and offices. Our unique design process and philosophy along with our world-class in-house design capabilities allow us to deliver products that we’re proud of and space that you will love.
Landmarks that define
the city skyline
Over the years we’ve delivered several iconic projects that have become landmarks in the city
Landmarks that define the city skyline
Over the years we’ve delivered several iconic projects that have become landmark in the city
In-house Capabilities
Having a world-class design team in-house has revolutionized our design process – our design and engineering
teams can work closely to make sure ideas get translated to realistic designs quickly, we can respond faster to
changes like new materials or technology and regulatory changes, and we can maintain focus on our
customers’ needs. Our in-house team has come up with brilliant innovations like the wide living room, a
stepping, curving facade and lots more.

In-house Capabilities
Having a world-class design team in-house has revolutionized our design process – our design and engineering teams can work closely to make sure ideas get translated to realistic designs quickly, we can respond faster to changes like new materials or technology and regulatory changes, and we can maintain focus on our customers’ needs. Our in-house team has come up with brilliant innovations like the wide living room, a stepping, curving facade and lots more.

User Centric Design
Our design philosophy is centred around simple, effective principles. Architecture is about so much more
than just creating good looking building. To us, user experience is core to design.
User Centric Design
Our design philosophy is centred around simple, effective principles. Architecture is about so much more than just creating good looking building. To us, user experience is core to design.
A unique design process
We think of our products in terms of experiences rather than as spaces and our unique design process
allows us to do this.

Designing and visualising in 3D
Most architecture and design is done in plan view in 2D. What this lacks though, is the experience of the space. Using the latest tools and technology we design all our spaces in 3D. This allows us to immerse ourselves in the experience of our users and think from their perspective.
A unique design process
We think of our products in terms of experiences rather than as spaces and our unique process allows us to do this.
Designing and visualising in 3D
Most architecture and design is done in plan view in 2D. What this lacks though, is the experience of the space. Using the latest tools and technology we design all our spaces in 3D This allows us to immerse ourselves in the experience of our users and think from their perspective.

Iterative, informed design
Every tile, every paint, every material selection, and every design decision is taken only after extensive iterations in 3D or with actual mockups.

Iterative, informed design
Every tile, every paint, every material selection, and every design decision is taken only after extensive iterations in 3D or with actual mockups.

The best in class
At marathon, we’ve partnered with the best architects in the world like Hafeez contractor, LSG group .. (from urvesh/surbhi) and more, but we’ve also developed our very own world-class in-house design team.
The best in class
At marathon, we’ve partnered with the best architects in the world like Hafeez contractor, LSG group .. (from urvesh/surbhi) and more, but we’ve also developed our very own world-class in-house design team.